Bic 4-Color Pen Outdoor Campaign

Advertising | Art Direction | Illustration

This advertising project was for the 50th Anniversary outdoor campaign of Bic’s 4-color ballpoint pen. Our goal was to make Bic’s 4-color pens considered fun to use by the people of Seattle. I had to make a series of three executions with my collaborator, who shared the exact solution to the problem and the art direction.

Problem: Now that most tasks are completed on a computer or by phone, people don’t use pens as much. How can we show the people of Seattle that doodling is fun again with a BiC 4-color ballpoint pen?

Solution: Fan art of famous musicians (Glam rock, hip-hop, singer-songwriter) shows the limitless possibilities of the BiC 4-color ballpoint pen. People can create texture, depth, and color elements using BiC 4-color pen. Older generations can feel nostalgic for drawing their favorite stars like when they were young, and young people can be inspired to draw and be creative with the pen. To complement our art direction, we used a fun hand-drawn legible typography and ruled paper following the Keep It Simple rule for outdoor posters so passersby can grasp the essence of the concept quickly.

Role: Art director, Copywriter, Illustrator

Timeframe: 4 weeks

Tools: Procreate, Photoshop

Collaborator: John Edens

First draft

For the first draft, we considered a play on words with the artist The Notorious B.I.G. However, after some feedback and consideration, using the artist's name as a pun could be disrespectful.

Final Insights

For the successful execution of this project, we must prioritize location and simplicity to convey our message within a brief moment effectively. Also, obtaining permission and addressing copyright issues is essential when featuring identifiable individuals.

The next phase of this campaign should focus on increasing engagement through social media. We can promote audience participation by sharing their drawings created with Bic pens and hashtag “Who’s your inspiration?“.


Ease Magazine